A lot of people have been telling me lately that they feel uninspired. I think that typically happens this time of year, at the end of summer when life is about to get really busy with school or work and it’s so hot you just want to lay in a bathtub of ice. The truth is, it’s natural to go through dry spells even for the most creative people. No one can be “on” all the time. But I have some tips for you if you’re feeling this way that will hopefully bring some pep back into your step.
Do something small
I believe that most of the time, motivation is linked to momentum. When I’m feeling unmotivated I start out giving myself a small task to do, like organizing my desk or putting makeup on to get ready for the day. Then after I feel good about completing that one, I move on to something a little bigger.
Have a Lazy Moment
Sometimes the best cure for not being inspired is to give yourself a break. Doing whatever you want for a few moments is really freeing. Usually doing something mindless, like scrolling through Facebook, reminds me that I really prefer working on my art.
Take a Walk
A change of scenery does a lot of good for creative minds! Seeing something new, being in a different environment can really jump-start the imagination.
Take a Snack Break
If you’re not feeling inspired, you might just be hungry. I recommend a banana with almond butter, that’s one of my tried and true quick snacks.
Participate in a Hobby
When creative endeavors also pay the bills it can take the fun out of doing them. As creatives we need to find something that we can do just for fun without having to monetize every hobby. Some ideas are; making a collage out of old magazines, start a sticker collection, take a pottery class, arrange some flowers for your desk, or paint stars on your ceiling.
Make a Pinterest Board
This tip is pretty obvious. Finding things you like on Pinterest and putting them all in one place to look at can give you a huge burst of inspiration! Sometimes even looking at boards I’ve made previously makes me inspired. I have one called “artistic inspiration” so I always start there.
Make a Playlist
Music is all about feelings. Curating a playlist can help you feel the way you want to feel. Make a playlist for some of your most common moods and see how they change your point of view in the present moment.
I hope these ideas help! I admit nthey are all extremely simple, but simple reminders can also be good. Happy creating!